Terms of Service

Effective Date: 03/07/2024

Interpretation and Definitions

The words in capital letters hold significance under these conditions. These definitions apply in both singular and plural contexts.


  • Affiliate: An entity with control, controlled by, or under common control with a party, where "control" means ownership of 50% or more of shares, equity interest, or other securities entitled to vote.
  • Account: A distinct account created for Your access to our Service.
  • Country: Deleware, United States.
  • Company: Denotes Riza Group LLC. Also identified as "Riza," "Riza Group," "the Platform," "the Company," "We," "Us," or "Our."
  • Content: Encompasses text, images, or other information posted, uploaded, linked to, or otherwise made available by You.
  • Device: Any apparatus capable of accessing the Service, such as a computer, cellphone, or digital tablet.
  • Feedback: Signifies feedback, innovations, or suggestions conveyed by You regarding the attributes, performance, or features of our Service.
  • Goods: Refers to items offered for sale through the Service.
  • Orders: Denotes requests from You to purchase Goods from Us.
  • Promotions: Comprises contests, sweepstakes, or other promotions accessible through the Service.
  • Service: Refers to the Website.
  • Terms and Conditions (or "Terms"): Constitute the entire agreement between You and the Company concerning the use of the Service.
  • Third-party Social Media Service: Encompasses any services or content offered by a third party, displayed, included, or made available through the Service.
  • Website: Points to (Riza), accessible from (riza.club).
  • You: Represents the individual accessing or using the Service or the entity on whose behalf such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.


These serve as the governing Terms and Conditions for utilizing this Service, defining the agreement between You and the Company. They delineate the rights and responsibilities of all users concerning Service usage. Your access and use of the Service are contingent upon Your acceptance of and adherence to these Terms and Conditions. These terms apply to all visitors, users, and others accessing or using the Service. By entering and using the Service, You manifest agreement with these Terms and Conditions. If You dissent from any part, refrain from accessing the Service. You assert that You are over 18, as the Company does not permit those under 18 to use the Service. Access and use are further contingent on Your acceptance and compliance with Our Privacy Policy, elucidating policies and procedures on personal information collection, use, and disclosure. Read Our Privacy Policy thoroughly prior to using Our Service.

Placing Orders for Goods

Upon placing an Order through the Service, You affirm Your legal capacity for binding contracts. You consent to indemnify for liabilities arising, including No-Show Fees, coupled with an administrative fee.

Your Information

To submit an Order, You may furnish information pertinent to Your Order. You confirm that the information provided is accurate, truthful, and complete. By submitting this information, You grant us the right to share it with third-party payment processors.

Sales Proceeds

Payouts outside the ecosystem necessitate the verification of Your Riza Account. Verification involves submitting required data, with approval generally within 30 days. Fraudulent attempts result in account closure and forfeiture of earnings. Payout availability is contingent upon transaction details, with the right to impose limits. The net payout becomes available after a specified hold time, with payout fees and limits based on account status.

Order Cancellation

We maintain the right to decline or annul Orders for reasons such as Goods unavailability, errors, or suspected fraud. Your right to cancel is governed by these Terms and Our Returns Policy.


Your Right to Post Content
The Service empowers You to post Content. You bear responsibility for the legality, reliability, and appropriateness of such Content. By posting Content, You grant Us the rights to use, modify, perform, display, reproduce, and distribute it on the Service.

Content Restrictions

The Group assumes no responsibility for user-generated content. You are prohibited from transmitting unlawful, offensive, or objectionable Content. We reserve the right to assess appropriateness and make formatting edits. Service use may be restricted in response to objectionable content.

Content Backups

While routine backups are conducted, no guarantee exists for data loss or corruption. You agree to maintain a complete, accurate copy of any Content independently.

Copyright Policy

Intellectual Property Infringement
We uphold intellectual property rights. Notify Us of alleged infringement, and We will take suitable action, including content removal.

Links to Other Websites

The Service may incorporate links to third-party sites. Riza assumes no responsibility for their content or practices. Users are advised to review the terms and privacy policies of linked sites.


We hold the right to terminate Your Account without prior notice for any reason, upon which Your right to use the Service is revoked. You retain the option to terminate Your Account by discontinuing use.

Limitation of Liability

Riza's liability, alongside any suppliers, is restricted to the amount paid through the Service or ($$)if no purchase was made. We disclaim liability for special, incidental, or indirect damages. Certain states may not permit such limitations.

"AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" Disclaimer

The Service is presented "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" without warranties. Riza renounces all warranties, including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We make no guarantees that the Service will meet Your requirements, operate without interruption, or be error-free. Your use of the Service is at Your own risk, exposing You to potentially offensive content.

Governing Law

These Terms are governed by the laws of (Deleware, United States) Your usage may be subject to additional local, state, national, or international laws.

Disputes Resolution

For any concerns or disputes, strive for informal resolution by reaching out to Riza. European Union (EU) consumers are entitled to mandatory provisions of their resident country's law.

United States Legal Compliance

You affirm that You are not in a country subject to U.S. government embargo or listed as a "terrorist supporting" country. You are not on any U.S. government list of prohibited parties.

Severability and Waiver

If any provision is unenforceable, it will be amended to fulfill its purpose, and other provisions will endure. Failure to exercise a right does not relinquish future exercise.

Translation Interpretation

In the event of translation, the original English text prevails in case of disputes.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to modify or substitute these Terms. Notice of material changes will be provided at least 30 days in advance. Continued use after revisions constitutes acceptance. If You disagree, cease Service use.

Contact Us

For queries regarding these Terms, contact us: By email: [email protected]